Protection of bats in the cave/tunnel Ponikva near Vareš
The tunnel/cave Ponikva is a bat habitat, among other one of only a few Barbastella barbastellus, a rare species in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition to this species, the cave is also a habitat of the big Rhinolophus ferrumequinum bat, the little Rhinolophus hipposideros and the Alpine bass bat Plecotus macrobularis.
The two main objectives of this project are:
Protection of the bat as the most vulnerable mammals,
Increasing safety in traffic by reducing speed and avoiding collision with bats during the ride.
Prilog BHRT povodom postavljanja saobraćajnog znaka ispred tunela Ponikva u Varešu.
Članovi Centra za krš i speleologiju postavili su u subotu 3. novembra 2018. godine prvi saobraćajni znak opasnosti koji upozorava na šišmiše u pećini.