BatLife Europe has arranged the printing of postcards featuring the Greater Mouse-eared bat, the Bat Species of the Year 2024-25. These postcards are available free of charge for BLE partner organisations, we only ask that you pay the cost of the postage.
Four different designs of the “Bat of the Year” postcards have been printed (see attached) and are now ready for distribution. We have around 10,000 postcards to distribute, 2,500 of each type.
If you would like to order some postcards, please email BatLife Europe’s Trustee Ulrich Hüttmeir via Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je vidjeli. . Please let us know how many postcards you need, and we will do our best to distribute them fairly! We also ask you to provide us with a postal address where the packages can be reliably delivered.
Many thanks to the photo authors René Güttinger, Marko König, Markus Melber and Andreas Zahn as well as Volker Runkel from, who covered the printing costs.
Kind regards