• 08 Antroherpon sp. - Ledenjaca Kadino selo Medium copy
  • 11 Antroherpon sp. most probably Antroherpon hoermanni hoermanni Apfelbeck 1889 or Antroherpon pozi Absolon 1913- Trnovo nova Medium copy

The new site of a wild grapevine In Bosnia and Herzegovina

vinova lozaOne of the results of joint workshops, where were introduced the current and potential projects within the CEPF – The Mediterranean Basin Biodiversity Hotspot: ongoing and potential small and large grants in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Hutovo blato, Neretva River and Trebižat River Tributary), is coordinated reporting of participants, involving in the projects, on the findings that could be of interest to a different projects.

Novo nalazište divlje loze U Bosni i Hercegovini

vinova lozaJedan od rezultata zajedničke radionice na kojoj su predstavljeni tekući i potencijalni projekti u okviru CEPF - The Mediterranean Basin Biodiversity Hotspot: ongoing and potential small and large grants in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Hutovo blato, Neretva River and Trebizat River Tributary) jeste i koordinirano izvješavanje učesnika u projektima o nalazima koji mogu biti od interesa za raličite projekte.