Druga radionica „Biodiverzitet podzemlja - status, prijetnje i mogućnosti zaštite“/Second workshop on "Underground biodiversity – the status, threats and ways of protection”
Druga radionica predviđena projektom “Protection of the Underground Biodiversity in the Neretva River Catchment Area” održana je u hotelu „Ada“ u Blagaju 26. aprila/travnja 2014.godine. Cilj radionice je bio da se prikažu rezultati istraživanja i aktivnosti u okviru spomeutog projekta te stautusu biodiverziteta podzemlja u Bosni i Hercegovini i najboljim praksama u regionu.
U radionici su uzeli učešća članovi Centra za krš i peleologiju kao domaćini skupa, stručnjaci iz regiona (Slovenija, Hrvatska i Srbija), članovi nevladinih organizacija, predstavnici javnih preduzeća te predtavanici općinskih i kantonalnih ministarstava koji u svom djelokrugu rada imaju zaštitu okoliša.
Radionica je organizovana u tri sesije:
Upoznavanje sa projektom “Protection of the Undergorund Biodiversity in the Neretva River, Catchment Area”, ciljevima i rezultatima
Status biodiverziteta podzemlja i ugroženost
Mogućnosti i prakse zaštite
U prvoj sesiji učesnici radionice su upoznati sa obimom i rezutlatima istraživanja u okviru projekta, posebno sa slabom istraženosšću speleoloških objekata i podlogama koje su bile osnova za istraživanje. Poseban problem je određivanje vrsta zbog nepostojanja stručnjaka za podzemnu faunu u BiH.
U drugom dijelu sesije bilo je govora o ugroženosti podzemne faune zbog nedostatka istraživanja u cijeloj Bosni i Hercegovini, a samim tim i nepoznavanja stvarnog stanja kod izvođenja zaštite i posebno kod izrade različitih studija uticaja. Posebno su apostrofirani problemi koji su zbog toga nastali kod izrade Crvene knjige faune BiH i projekta „Natura 2000“ u BiH.
O magućnostima i najboljim praksama zaštite u regiji bilo je govora u trećoj seansi. Apostrofirano je da je uloga medija u zemljama gdje sistem zaštite nije razvijen itekako značajna kao i saradnja sa međunarodnim organizacijama.
Zaključeno je da se rezultati istraživanja pošalju svim općinama i kantonima u području istraživanja projekta kako bi rezultati mogli biti implementirani u planove zaštite ili planiranja, kao i kancelariji Natura 2000 za BiH radi eventualnog uvrštavanja predloženih područja: pećina Prosječenica i širi prostor Podveleža, Drenovačka pećina i kanjon Bregave, Svinjarinski do iznad sela Dračevice kod Blagaja, Markova pećina u zaleđu Neuma te područje oko sela Studenaci u općini Ljubuški.
Program druge radionice (PDF, 145 KB)
Second workshop on "Underground biodiversity – the status, threats and ways of protection”
The second workshop within the project "Protection of Underground Biodiversity in the Neretva River Catchment Area" was held on 26th April 2014. at the Hotel "Ada" in Blagaj. The aim of the workshop was to present the results of research and activities within the above mentioned project and the status of the underground biodiversity in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The hosts of the workshop were members of the Center for Karst and Speleology Sarajevo, together with the experts from the region (Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia), members of non-governmental organizations, representatives of public companies and representatives of the municipal and cantonal ministries who in their jurisdiction have the protection of the environment.
The workshop was organized in three sessions:
- Introduction with the project "Protection of Underground Biodiversity in the Neretva River Catchment Area", the objectives and results;
- Status of the underground biodiversity and threats;
- The way of the protection in practice.
In the first session of the workshop participants were introduced with the scope and a score of this project, especially with poorly explored caves and surfaces that were the basis for the research. A particular problem is the determination of the species due to the lack of experts for underground fauna in BiH.
In the second part of the session discussion was focused on vulnerability of the underground fauna due to the lack of research in the whole of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and ignorance of the real situation in protection execution, and especially for making different studies of impact. A special emphasis is placed on the problems that arose during the drafting of the Red Book of BiH fauna and fauna of the "Natura 2000" in BiH.
The opportunities and best practices to protect the region were discussed in the third session. It was emphasized that the role of the media, in countries where protection system is not developed, is quite significant as well as cooperation with international organizations.
It is concluded that the results of research should be sent to all municipalities and cantons, as the results could be implemented in protection plans or planning, as well as the office of the Natura 2000 for BiH for the eventual inclusion of the proposed area: Prosječenica cave, and wider space of Podveležje, Drenovačka cave and Bregava canyon, Svinjarinski do above the village Dračevice in Blagaj, Marko's cave near Neum and the area around the village Studenci in the municipality Ljubuški.